Adobe captivate 9 examples
Adobe captivate 9 examples

adobe captivate 9 examples

All arrow combinations shortcut keys described in this old article: TinyTimeline Tidbits are functional. Example: right arrow key will move the whole effect timeline 0.1sec to the right, CTRL-Right will move over 1sec, SHIFT-Right will increase the timeline duration with 0.1sec. That is a valid alternative for typing in a value in the Timing panel or for dragging with the mouse.

  • You can use the same shortcut keys for effect timelines as for the object timelines to increase/decrease its length.
  • Of course I discovered also some little gems hidden between the big diamonds, while exploring. Refreshing the browser will allow you to restart the movie.

    adobe captivate 9 examples

    I will offer some tips about those 4 major new features when you have played with this slide.

    adobe captivate 9 examples

    new commands in Advanced/Shared actions.Effects 2.0 with custom curved motion paths.imported SVG's and roundtripping with Adobe states work flow, both for static and interactive objects.If you watch it closely, you'll detect that I used: I didn't upgrade the project, didn't use the objects, nor the actions/variables from the old project.

    Adobe captivate 9 examples movie#

    In the following movie (only one slide) you'll see that I recreated a slide that was posted in the first article about shared actions. No better way to get the feeling of new features than to create a real project from scratch. You will not read anything about the new Quiz features, nor about the enhancements to Responsive projects today, maybe later on in another article. My fans know that I seldom will post immediately a 'full' review, because I want first to play around a little bit, to try out some reported new features before offering my personal reflections and tips. Version 9 has been released about 10 days ago, while I was on vacation.

    Adobe captivate 9 examples