One key thing is to never block off your settlement entirely, and to make sure that there are no “stuck” monsters or livestock around – they constantly bug the pathfinder to find a path for them, eating up chunk of memory. It looks like 22 hearthlings is where your computer starts to feel the strain, but like I said you can use a few tricks to simplify those hearthlings’ AI queries and thus squeeze another few ounces of processing power into the game before everything fills up. Nope, that hard drive is plenty fast enough so it’s not a bottleneck either. Also thanks for the computer compliment! I was running an 8 year old laptop and had a bit of luck and decided to really go for it haha.
Like you said it may very well just be what the game can handle right now, which is fine but I figured better to ask and see if I missed something. As to background, I tend to not have much other than a few tabs with nothing running in them, MAYBE music, and stuff like skype, nothing too demanding. It may still be the hard drive, but if it is then my only real option from here is to move it to the SSD, which I may do. I am running two hard drives, one SSD one HDD, the HDD is this: ( UserBenchmark: Toshiba DT01ACA200 2TB), incase you dont wanna see the link and just want numbers, 7200rpm, SATA 6gig, peak sequential read/write speeds of 193/182 MB/s and peak 4k read/write speeds of 1.16/2.28 MBps. It may very well be limitations of the game (like i said my issues started around 22, so might be close to the same).
My message here isn’t a complaint, but just me making sure that this is a game limitation, and not some setting or hardware issue I missed. Thanks for the answer! I want to preface everything I say below for anyone reading, I UNDERSTAND THIS GAME IS IN ALPHA. Hopefully team Radiant can further improve the game’s efficiency at answering those questions, but there’s a long road ahead so for now the best we can do is understand the game’s limitations and not exceed them. You need to find the comfortable limit your computer can run it at (and be aware that you’re not just running Stonehearth, you’ll need to factor in anything else your computer runs in the background so that limit may be lower than you’d expect), and make sure you’re not throwing too many questions at your computer at once. Unfortunately, Stonehearth is one of those games that will always eat up all of the available processing power if you let it. don’t make them run up and down hills to get to their destination, give them straight roads and direct routes) and possibly clean up some of the items lying around. Try simplifying the pathing if you can (e.g. I think it’s simply a case though that your game is trying to run too many queries at once. Now, your computer is quite the way up there (it’s literally twice as powerful as the computer which I play Stonehearth on, and I run with 22 hearthlings without any lag), so it’s probably not a processing power issue although perhaps your HDD is on the slow side? Sounds like you have too many hearthlings then – there’s a pretty distinct line where the game goes from being able to handle all your hearthlings easily to bogging down when they all need to think at once.